速報APP / 生產應用 / NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts



檔案大小:4.2 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖1)-速報App


Stop typing the same thing again and again...

Be more efficient and personalize your own pre-program keyboard.

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖2)-速報App

NextBoard allows you to add your own custom shortcuts, phrases, and responses to your keyboard.

Now you can be more PRODUCTIVE with NextBoard!

Get control of the keyboard and insert your input to the keys and save time.

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖3)-速報App


* Organize text snippets and phrases in a multi-level folder structure

* Expand autotext abbreviations into longer phrases

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖4)-速報App

* Remap special characters or text to the keyboard

* Use phrases with dynamic contents, such as the current date/time, manual input, or calculations

* Add custom keys for quick responses, such as emails, shortcuts, phone numbers, address, ID, username etc

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖5)-速報App

* Create folders and organize your inputs by folders/categories

* Variables and templates, insert dynamic variables into your keys, for example, dates. time, clipboard, copy, content, etc

* Sync and backup your keys with iCloud

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖6)-速報App

* Save Time and use the spare time you gain and Enjoy Life!

NextBoard is a universal app, so it works equally well on the iPhone and iPad.

You get up to 6 keys for free or upgrade to Pro to get unlimited keys.

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖7)-速報App

To enable the keys you create in the app to be shared with the keyboard 'allow full access' needs to be enabled.

We only use this to allow data to be shared between the app and the keyboard, we do not use other features 'full-access' allows such as network access.

With Nextboard keyboard shortcuts, you will have two Keyboards, a native keyboard+ the Nextboard keyboard (shortcuts & phrases).

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖8)-速報App

Using an additional mobile keyboard is an essential utility for the mobile power user. Snippets, email templates, shortcut phrases, and clipboard manager saves you a lot of your precious time.

The Time Saving Tool For Busy People.

Save time, work smarter, and Download for Free!

NextBoard - Keyboard Shortcuts(圖9)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad